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A Woman's Instincts

"A Woman's Instincts" is a 2-man split-screen multiplayer project made with the Unity 3D game engine.

  Players can either play a maiden who posseses powers to become invisible and to spawn a spirit of herself that guides her to escaping the dreaded forest.

  Players can also choose to play a robot that is able to spawn mechabots to hunt down either the maiden or her clone.

  The maiden has to escape the forest, if the time limit is reached or if the maiden dies, the player that plays the maiden loses.

Role in project : Programmer/Designer

Artist : Lee Jia Xin Rachael

My role as a programmer

My role as the programmer in "A woman's instincts" is to code the basic movements of the characters so as to cater to both players as this multiplayer game was developed to be played on two controllers (Xbox).


I also made use of Unity 5's Navigation Mesh Agent in order to code an artificial intelligence for the AI in the game to follow certain characters and to move (taking the shortest path & avoiding obstacles) towards their objectives.


I also experimented with making characters' renderers disabling in Unity in order to create an invisibility mechanic for the Maiden character.

RayCast Damage


Mesh Navigation


For the environment, my artist and I both made full use of Unity 5's environment-building features to develop our environment.

Firstly, we made use of dynamic lighting in our game. Especially in a dawn-setting, the dynamic lighting that was built into Unity 5 helps us create a better setting in terms of lighting and shadows to give more of a chilling atmosphere for our game.

Secondly, we used a fogging effect that was also built into Unity 5. And combined with the dynamic lighting, we managed to make an environment that is suiting to the style and genre of our horror game.

Lastly, but not the least, the environment sculpting tool was used to create the trees, water bodies and grass in mass. Together with sculpting the terrain, we also managed to build a realistic environment for the game, all using the tools provided to us by Unity 5.


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