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Take Flight!

Take Flight!

"Take Flight!" is a 2D platformer game created by my team and I using the Unity 2D game engine.


"Take Flight!" is a serious game developed for our clients "Zhurong Bird Park" (Jurong Bird Park) as part of our Game Design & Education module in the third year of school.


This game was developed in the aims of promoting the bird park and its wide array of different bird species to tourists from other coutries visiting Singapore's bird park.


In this game, the main objective is to get your collection of birds to be as big as possible through consuming prey in their various natural habitats to earn points.



Role in Project : Designer

Character Selection

For the level selection screen of the game, we researched birds that could be found in Singapore's bird park and gathered the most popular and iconic birds found there to be featured in the first level of our game.


In addition, we made the level selection screen have a safari theme to it to make it feel more like an actual tourist attraction.

Environment Art

For the environment art for the first level of the game, we chose a habitat the houses the first and only playable character of our game. We illustrated the environment to have a unique artstyle.


We also researched what prey can be commonly found in each different natural habitats of the birds and then created the assets for the preys to fit the different environments.

Character Art & Animations

The current characters that players have access to are the White Bellied Sea Eagle and the Victoria Crowned Pigeon. These are 2 very iconic birds that can be found.


The art and animations for these 2 birds, as well as the prey in the environment were all created by my group and I.


The birds will grow bigger and have different proportions as they consume more and more prey in the levels.

Gameplay Footage

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